shackspace Hacker finds Flaw in Ubiquiti Networks' UniFi Products
Over a year ago shackspace migrated its Wifi infrastructure to an all-Ubiquiti setup because our previous setup made up of consumer grade TP-Link access points was neither stable nor could it cope with enough clients to cover 30+ visitors to the space. We’ve decided to pick up a few UniFi access points and were really happy with the ease of installation as well as management capabilities.
However, this wouldn’t be a hackerspace if there wasn’t someone applying a bit more scrutiny than usual to the new toys.
In this case it was shackspace hacker momo who soon discovered a serious flaw in the UniFi controller management web interface.
After following the best practice of responsible disclosure, now, a year later, momo can talk about the details behind the issue.
A fix for the bug discovered has already made its way into updates quite a while ago so if you kept your infrastructure up to date, you’re already safe from that particular bug.
The bug in question allowed an attacker to forge a special DHCP hostname (e.g. containing HTML and Javascript code) and inject this information into the UniFi controller web interface where it was then executed.
The issue was assigned CVE-2013-3572 and was just now released. If you’re still running UniFi 2.3.5 or older, now’s a good time to update ;)