23. Nov. 14:00 - 18:00

RoboCar bauen fällt aufgrund Erkrankung aus

Bring your RC car assembled or in parts, we will get it to run with the donkeycar framework


How little effort it is to turn a RC car into a RoboCar is documented at https://robocaresslingen.github.io/BookDownDocu/donkeyCar.html.

If you think about building a Robocar check out the donkeycar buying guide “Roll Your Own Car” http://docs.donkeycar.com/roll_your_own/

An example parts list is at https://robocaresslingen.github.io/BookDownDocu/donkeyCar.html#parts-list

A very good intro to the donkeycar framework by Tawn Kramer is hosted on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ4ESrtfShs