Treffen: Web Development Interest Group Brainstorming Session

Diesen Samstag, den 24.09.2011 trifft sich ab 19:00 Uhr die Web Development Interest Group zu einer lockeren Brainstorming-Session zum Thema Webentwicklung & Co im shackspace.

Die Organisation übernehmen Thomas Waldmann und Markus Majer. Jeder Interessierte ist willkommen. Eintritt ist selbstverständlich frei :)
Um formlose Anmeldung durch Eintragung auf der Wikiseite der Web Development Interest Group wird gebeten, hier gibt es auch weitere Hintergrundinformationen zur Veranstaltung und Themen.

Zum Treffen:
Eintritt frei! Jeder ist willkommen!
Datum: 24. Septemeber 2011
Beginn: 19 Uhr

Treffen des Microcontroller Forum Stuttgart

Das Microcontroller Forum Stuttgart (kurz: mcf) trifft sich diesen Samstag den 17. September 2011 ab 20 Uhr im shackspace.

Geladen wird zum gemütlichen Plausch über alles Elektronische, Microcontroller, Schaltungsentwurf, Basteleien, Projekte und Ideen.
Außerdem wird es einen Überblick über das Equipments des shackspace Elektroniklabors (Arbeitsplätze, Platinenfertigung, Bauteile, …) geben.

Eintritt frei, jeder ist willkommen!

Weitere Informationen:

shackspace goes parallel computing!

Through the personal effort of a few members shackspace recently acquired a new and quite awesome toy: an IBM BladeCenter E fully loaded with six dual PowerPC 970FX (2.2GHz) and eight dual PowerPC 970 (1.6GHz) blades.

To make hacking on algorithms and software meant to run highly parallel even more fun, each blade comes with dual Mellanox InfiniBand 1X (2.5Gb/s) adapters on top of their dual GigE ports to ensure that sweet low latency every hacker is craving for.

If you want to take a closer look at the specs or track the progress of the project, make sure to stop by the BladeCenter page in our wiki. Of course, if you ever wanted to try your parallel algorithm or software across 14 machines with a total of 28 cores, we’ve got the means for that now ;) Just drop by and talk to one of the hackers involved in the project.

GPN11: Recordings now available

Earlier this year a delegation of shackspace hackers visited the colleagues of entropia in Karlsruhe at their annual Gulasch Programmier Nacht (GPN11). We had a lot of fun hacking stuff, giving and listening to talks, attending workshops and what not.

Make sure to check out the recordings of the talks!

The following few are (for various reasons) somehow, at least partially, shackspace related:

Stuttgarter Zeitung: Ein neuer Freiraum für Stuttgart

Vor nicht all zu langer Zeit hatten wir und unsere Nachbarn Besuch von der Stuttgarter Zeitung, hier das Ergebnis:

Es ist ein regnerischer Donnerstagabend im Gewerbegebiet von Stuttgart-Wangen. Dort, gegenüber der Kulturhaus-Arena, haben Künstler und Tüftler eine neue Heimat gefunden. Der Großteil von ihnen war bis Anfang des Jahres im Pfleiderer-Areal im Inneren Nordbahnhof beheimatet, das aber im Zuge der Bauarbeiten für Stuttgart 21 geräumt werden musste. […]” – Stuttgarter Zeitung “Ein neuer Freiraum für Stuttgart

Hier gibt’s den kompletten Artikel über uns und unsere Nachbarn in der Ulmer Straße 255.

Workshop: Arbeiten mit Oszilloskop & Funktionsgenerator

Funktionsgenerator und Oszilloskop sind heutzutage schwer aus der Bastelstube des Hobbyelektronikers wegzudenken, doch wie geht man damit richtig um und was kann man wie messen?

Diese Fragen werden am Sonntag den 11. September um 15 Uhr im shackspace beantwortet!

Inhalt des Workshops

  • Umgang mit Oszilloskop
  • Umgang mit Funktionsgenerator
  • Durchführung verschiedener Messungen an gängigen Grundschaltungen (LC-Glieder, RC-Glieder, RD-Glieder, kl. Signalverstärker)
    Oszilloskope und Funktionsgeneratoren sind im begrenzten Umfang vorhanden, mitgebracht werden muss nichts ausser Interesse :)
    Der Workshop ist auf 3 gemütliche Stunden angelegt.


Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und jeder ist willkommen!
Spenden an den Verein shack e.V. jederzeit willkommen.
Um kurze Voranmeldung wird gebeten.

Mehr Informationen


We’ll be meeting on a regular basis at the space to clean up!
Nobody likes to work or hang out in a messy environment and lots of people produce lots of … well, leftovers :)

Here’s what we do:

  • Meet for an hour of cleaning-rage
  • Everyone gets a more or less randomly selected task assigned (there’s single-person tasks and multiple-person tasks)
  • Do it
  • Feel good about it
    The key thing here is: cleaning doesn’t have to be a big ugly mess if you do it often enough and if you don’t have to do the same thing every time.

Check out the cleaning rage wiki page for more details.

Be awesome!

LHC II Aftermath: There is no fan!

The folks of RaumZeitLabor in Mannheim visited us and, with the meme “there is no fan“ having been coined at the previous LHC held at their space, they brought a simulacrum nofan made from an LED matrix panel with them. While being awesome it didn’t blow hard enough. Also there were safety concerns, mainly having to do with the fact that LED matrix panels are inherently safe, which is kind of boring. We’ve rectified all of that. RZL went home with a real nofan! Watch it in action:

LHC II is over, long live LHC!

We’ve had a blast! It was great seeing so many fellow hackerspace folks at the space. We’ve even had a visitor that told us he heard about us from MAKE zine. Not sure how we ended up there. Awesome!

We would like to thank everyone who visited, contributed, hacked, talked, presented stuff, offered workshops, brought awesome gear and experimental drinks (Club-Mate wine was awesome! Go RaumZeitLabor!). The event was as awesome because all of you made it that way!

If you hacked anything, took photos, or have an anecdote or two, please let us know (send a mail to hadez a-t and we’ll assemble everything into a follow-up post here on the blog.

We’ve had a lot of people at the space and quite some hackerspaces were represented. In no particular order (and I might have missed one or two): c-base, sublab, c3d2, RaumZeitLabor, syn2cat, Chaostreff Tübingen, Kreativität trifft Technik Oldenburg, ECC, c3pb / subraum, entropia.

LHC II Update: T-1d

Good news everyone! The shackspace hackerspace passport stamp arrived! And as a special bonus there’s also a Ministry of Cancer stamp on top of that. So make sure to pack your passport and get two stamps for the price of one :)

Several folks around here started to drop camp beds and sleeping mats at the space. This means we’ll have a couple of those for you on a on-site first come first served basis.

We also have quite a number of talks, workshops and couches on the list already:

  • Talk: IPv6 bei einem ISP im WAN
  • Talk: Nutzen und Risiken der Bereitstellung von Internet-Zugängen
  • Talk: JavaScript im Jahr 2011
  • Talk: Penspinning
  • Social Couch: Ways to achieve 24/7 access to the hackspace
  • Social Couch: Patterns to get rid of waste and cleaning the space
  • Social Couch: How to build great teams and enable teamwork
  • Social Couch: All mail clients suck. All mailing list users suck. Why???
  • Dev&Tech Couch: Etching like a boss: What works, what doesn’t
  • Dev&Tech Couch: Running IPv6 in the hackspace
  • Dev&Tech Couch: Storage for projects
  • Dev&Tech Couch: Soldering
  • Workshop: PCB Design for beginners
  • Workshop: Etching
  • Workshop: Soldering for beginners
  • Workshop: Just Fucking Shoot (Photography Workshop)
  • Workshop: Physical destruction of Blackberry smart phones
  • Workshop: Penspinning
    If you want to give a talk and/or workshop, by all means, please add it to the wiki page, you’re free to edit it :)

We’re also planning to cook some food on Saturday and Sunday as well as prepare breakfast. If you want to get your share, there will be a list lying around on-site where you can put your name down :)

If you have not yet signed up (it’s free!), please do so to help us planning.

You can find shackspace close to coordinates 48.777113,9.235659 and rumor has it that there is additional parking (not quite official) available at 48.776606,9.236457.

If you get lost on your way to shackspace, give us a call at the new shack-o-phon: +49 (0)711 21729823