Business as Usual
There’s always a lot of things happening at shackspace and it’s often difficult (even for us who are there all the time) to really notice everything that’s going on. So we want you to take a very brief glimpse into what happened last weekend. Note: this is by far not covering everything, since I’m reciting from memory ;)
For starters, we’ve had Micha who was hacking around some TFT-panels and touch panels that he’s planning to install all over his flat.
@SaijSaij was working hard implementing our new website (available soon in an Internet near you).
@tensau was putting finishing touches to the stock-keeping software he’s written for our Club-Mate beverage storage.
For the second time we’ve had a cleaning rage event. We’re basically telling everyone to meet up on a weekend day for cleaning. The tasks are handed out randomly, so everyone gets a chance to clean the restrooms do something nice. So far: great success! Thanks again to everyone who helped and Jan for sponsoring a case brewskis.
@samuirai built this awesome pixel nyan-cat. The project quickly evolved into a 8x8px prototype of a nyan-snake game over the weekend. You can even control it using a NES game-pad!
An then there’s Andy and his Mockman 2.0-based guitar amp. He layouted the PCB in Eagle and printed it using our PCB-Printer.
And here’s the next video from our TDOT2 event: @pfleidi talking about Realtime Web Applications.
TdoT2: Realtime Web Applications from shack e.V. Hackerspace Stuttgart on Vimeo.