18.06.2011 - Tag der offenen Tür im shack!

shackspace, die größte Bastel- und Hackerwerkstatt im Raum Stuttgart, lädt ein: am 18. Juni ab 12 Uhr zum zweiten Tag der offenen Tür, kurz: tdot#02
Anlass ist der erfolgreiche Umzug in die Ulmer Straße (Sgt-Wangen) ,
wo der shack auf jetzt über 350 Quadratmetern sein erstes volles
Betriebsjahr mit rund 100 Mitgliedern als vollwertiger e.V. feiern kann.

Geboten werden Essen & Drinks, Löten & Lectures, Leute & Disco.

Das komplette Programm findet sich, immer aktuell, in unserem Wiki.

Übrigens ist der shackspace der zweitgrößte Hackerspace in Deutschland,

  • also selbst sehen! Am Samstag, 18. Juni ab 12:00 Uhr


Ankommen: Ulmer Straße 255 - U-Bahn Haltestelle “Im Degen” -


Zusagen & bestätigen beim shack Facebook-Eintrag

We've got a Lounge!

We’ve made it! 100sqm of floating laminate is now covering what is our hacker’s lounge at shackspace.

Thanks a lot for everyone involved in making this possible!

We've got a Floor!

Handy hackers are hard at work here right now covering the ugly floor with dazzle paint^W^W laminate tiles.

It took us quite a long time to find a floor that we could cover 100 square meters with and afford to do so. Yet, as history has shown, things will happen if you just wait long enough :)

SHS - Saturday Hack Sessions

Jeden Samstag ab 15 Uhr treffen wir uns im shackspace zu ungezwungenem Frei-Hacken.

Was passiert und gemacht wird bestimmst du!
Bring deine Ideen, Dinge, Spielsachen, Freunde, Kinder, Eltern, Partner oder Haustiere und hab’ Spaß!

shackspace öffnet ab 15 Uhr seine Tore (wenn nicht sowieso schon von der vorherigen Nacht offen ist). Komm einfach vorbei und fang’ damit an Dinge zu zerlegen, neue zu machen, zu verbessern, zu erfinden.

Achtung: Dieser Event ist ein UnEvent. Nichts ist geplant, es gibt keine Agenda. Du bestimmst was du machen willst indem du etwas in den Space bringst was du schon immer genauer unter die Lupe nehmen wolltest.

  • Wolltest du schon länger den Elektronikbausatz den du zum Geburtstag bekommen hast zusammenbauen aber benötigst etwas Hilfe?
  • Dein Gadget ist kaputt und du willst es selbst reparieren, weißt aber nicht wo du anfangen sollst?
  • Du willst irgendwas bauen und brauchst Starthilfe?
  • Du hast eine total verrückte Idee, weißt aber nicht wie du sie umsetzen kannst?
    Auf all diese Fragen gibt es eine einfache Antwort: Komm’ zur wöchentlichen Saturday Hack Session im shackspace und mit aller Wahrscheinlichkeit wirst du jemanden antreffen der dir helfen kann.

Bei Fragen melde dich einfach auf unserer öffentlichen Mailingliste an und frag, oder hinterlass’ einen Kommentar unter diesem Beitrag.

Google I/O Extended: Agenda Veröffentlicht

Die Agenda für die Google I/O Extended die nächste Woche im shackspace stattfinden wird wurde veröffentlicht.
Zu finden ist die Agenda auf der GTUGS Website.

Falls du auf Twitter über den Event berichten willst, es gibt jetzt auch das offizielle Hashtag #ioexts11.

Open Sesame: Harddrive Password Hacking with a OpenBench Logic Sniffer

shackspace’s @dop3j0e had a big problem. A password problem. Quite a while ago he set up a password for his Thinkpad’s harddrive and chose to unlock his drive using the built-in fingerprint scanner. Years passed, thumbs were drawn over the scanner countless times, passwords were changed frequently. But not all passwords were changed. That one password for his harddrive never did change and over time he simply forgot what the actual password was.

The thumb print scanner kept working. However, to change or disable the password you have to enter it by keyboard in the BIOS since in this case it does not accept the thumb print scanner as input.
This poses a real problem. How do you access the disk if your fingerprint scanner dies? Or what if the laptop dies and you have to unlock the drive from a different machine that doesn’t have the password stored in the fingerprint scanner?

There’s various approaches to go about this issue.
One idea was to reverse engineer the BIOS to find out where the actual password is stored. This turned out to be especially nasty business and while a lot of insight was gained into how (ugly) a BIOS looks from the inside, no password was recovered.
Another idea which does not work was exchanging the control board of the harddrive with that of a similar model. Turns out the harddrive password is stored on the platter, not the controller.
You could of course use a logic sniffer (costs multiple kilo-Euros) and sniff the IDE bus for the password being transmitted. Not really an option either… or is it?

Open Source Hardware to the Rescue

Thanks to the open source hardware movement, you can have a logic sniffer for just $50! The OpenBench Logic Sniffer is exactly what you want and @hdznrrd at shackspace just happened to receive his first batch pre-order at the exact time @dop3j0e was about to fall into despair.

The OBLS comes with 16 buffered (3.3 or 5V) pins and another 16 unbuffered (3.3V only) pins. The IDE bus happens to be a 5V bus, ruling out half of the capture pins, and to sniff everything you’d need 40 pins.

It turns out it’s good enough to just sniff the data pins and nothing else (details below). And yes, the IDE bus has exactly 16 data pins :)

Sniffing the IDE bus for the Password Transfer

Next it was time to hook up the harddrive to the sniffer. What makes this slightly complicated is that you have to sniff the bus while the harddrive is mounted inside the laptop.
To do this individual wires were connected to each of the 16 data pins. Since the drive bay wasn’t large enough to accommodate the wiring, the laptop had to be partially disassembled.

The OBLS is compatible with the SUMP Logic Analyzer GUI which was used to control the analyzer and set up triggering.

The sniffer was set up to start logging data as soon as the 0xF2 unlock command is seen on the data bus which is then followed by the plain text password, which is exactly what you need to unlock the drive yourself. A from-memory reconstruction of the trigger settings can be found here.

Below screenshot shows the SUMP GUI displaying the results of a successful password sniffing run (note the ‘f2’ command). Note: the Prezi presentation linked below contains an annotated full length screen capture of the sniffed password.

Unlocking the Drive

Now the drive can be unlocked using the handy hdparm tool:

# hdparm --user-master u --security-unlock \
  $(echo -ne "\036\023\042\046\006\002\004\013")
Once unlocked, the password can be disabled entirely:
# hdparm --user-master u --security-disable \
  $(echo -ne "\036\023\042\046\006\002\004\013")


Cooking Weekend #2 to #5: Whole Rainbow Trout, Slow-Cooked Pork Fillet, Chicken Korma, Curry, Apple Rolls

As previously mentioned, we’ve had a nice long Easter weekend with lots of cooking going on at shackspace.

After a really nice BBQ session on Friday, Saturday started off with a shopping spree. A rough total of 280 EUR was spent on food alone which turned out to be a worthwhile investment :)

shackspace Easter weekend menu

Cooking Weekend #1: BBQ w/ Thuringian Sausage and Habanero/Honey Pork Steak

@SaijSaij provided us with the most awesome and authentic Thuringian sausages. Being a native Thuringian himself he of course brought the real product after returning from a trip back home. Just plain delicious! If you’ve never tasted the real thing, you’re definitely missing out. By the way, for that little extra, drip some Koestritzer over the sausages while they’re on the grill and make sure the coals are no longer burning and not too hot.

On top of that there was pork fillet marinated in @hdznrrd‘s honey/habanero marinade.

Vortrag/Workshop: Einführung in Final Cut Express 4

shackspace Mitglied h0uz3 wird am Oster-Samstag den 23. April um 15 Uhr eine an Anfänger gerichtete Einführung in den Videoschnitt mit Final Cut Express 4 geben. Da Plätze für diesen kostenfreien Event nur in sehr begrenztem Umfang vorhanden sind, bitten wir vorab um eine kurze Anmeldung.

Bitte tragt euch auch in den Planer ein, falls ihr gerne teilnehmen möchtet, der Termin aber unpassend ist. Dadurch können wir später entscheiden, ob der Event möglicherweise wiederholt werden soll.

How to Hack a Phone Booth

Above video shows the Half-Life inspired dramatization of how to disassemble the classic German yellow phone booth (replicas only of course, and only for educational purposes).
It’s a piece of cake to take off the top, the door, even the floor. There’s a very limited number of bolts that need to be removed by counter-boring to get the floor and top removed, everything else is held together by screws. But once you’re left with the three remaining sides, things get tricky.
Here’s how you do it.

All round corners are clipped in place but the clip needs some force to get unclipped (the metal thing pried loose in the video is one half of the clip).
We’ll start off with the easiest of the four corner pieces, the door hinge. You do not actually have to remove this part, but it’s first of all quite easy to do and it gives you nice insight into what the clip mechanism looks like, which is crucial to understand to allow you to remove the rear corner pieces.

  1. Remove the three screws holding the round corner piece of the door hinge in place.
  2. The door hinge corner piece can be pried loose easily once the screws are removed (use crowbar).
    Now, for the two rear pieces.

  3. Use a crowbar to push the corner upwards by around 2 to 3cm.
    You can do this by placing the crowbar between the rounded-off top of the rear corner and the two side walls and use it as a lever to push the corner upwards.

  4. Force the crowbar down into the gap you just created and try to unclip the top most clip.
  5. Start pulling on the corner piece in a diagonally outward direction.
  6. While pulling, use the crowbar to pry each clip loose from top to bottom.
  7. Once the corner piece is gone, remove the screws holding each clip in place.
  8. The clips now pull right off the corner, allowing you to take the walls apart.
    Disclaimer: two phone booth replicas have been slightly hurt in the making of this video.